Saturday, April 08, 2006

A Weekend At Home

Decided to go home for the weekend, for various reasons (free laundry, return my mum's car, spend time with the 'rents).

Saturday morning... er... midmorning/afternoon I finally got out of bed and got ready for a trip to Rochester with my parents. We picked up my grandma and went to John Hardy's BBQ, if you've never had the chance to eat at this place you are missing out! When we finished I asked if we could take a trip over to V.I.P. (it's a scrapbooking store), because I needed to get some things for a project I'm working on. After we made our traditional Saturday afternoon adventure to Wal-mart. Ran into my Cousin, who I haven't seen in over a year, which was nice. Considering we entered the store with no particular purchase in mind it was astonishing the things we found and placed in the cart. (oatmeal bars, bubblegum eggs, juice, plant pot, mini notebook[...]) At one point Mum asked if I had a preference for dinner, at which I stated my suggestion. We walked around getting what we needed, and left the store. One the way home Da took a detour running into an old friend of his, they shot the breeze for about an hour. By the time we left everyone was getting hungry, so Da suggested Mr. Pizza, but I shot it down... I had my heart set on the meal, chicken parmesan, at this point. Almost home we recieved a call from the Gust's, long time friends of the family, to join them for dinner. A few phone calls later it was decided that we'd drive to Spring Valley to eat at Homestyle Pizza. Not my favorite choice of pizza, but it's nice to get out and see people. Although it took longer to get home than expected... first we took a detour around the town looking for the Gust's grandparents house, then we went in to visit, and then we waited around for everyone to get back into the car. Once back at home I finally got a chance to talk to Otto, we both had a busy week and seriously didn't get a chance to talk much. It was nice catching up for awhile before he left to go hang out with some friends. And now I sit in the living room watching some strange show on the TV with my Mum.

Tomorrow I'll spend midmorning helping Da rotate the tires on my car, Beatrice! It should only take alittle under a couple hours worth of work. Then Mum is going to make chicken parmesan for lunch, and I'll pack things back into my car making a quick run to Rochester before heading back to Winona. The reason for the extra trip to Rochester is that I owe someone (cough-cough Tom) Chipotle, told Tami I'd get her Noodles, and I need to return some shoes to Famous Footwear. Upon completing these tasks there is a good chance I'll stop to get a coffee or milkshake for the drive back. And then another week begins!


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