Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Emergency Chocolate

Last night, just before nodding off, my fiance and I were having a discussion about how I tend to lose my cool when anything goes wrong with either my computer or my car. I tend to attack the first person I can get ahold of. Mostly my fiance and my Da.

Say my car started making a funny sound and stopped working. I would try what I know, and if nothing worked I would call my fiance or my Da and begin letting loose the fury of frustration I possess. Completely unfair, I know, but I just seem to need that explosion to gain composure once again.

Anyway, back to topic. We were discussing some of my past "episodes" when I randomly, on the verge of sleep, mentioned how a car should have Emergency Chocolate! My fiance just started laughing and offered up some thoughts on how this would work. "A compartment would just open up and there would be chocolate for the girl?" "How would you work that out?" "I think Binga would agree." "It would just pop out when you needed it!"

Here I was tired and ready to fall asleep and he starts spouting all these ideas... Suffice it to say we continued this train of thought until we both passed out from exhaustion. It was pretty funny. But I did tell him I was serious. Chocolate calms people down. It's just something he should keep in mind when I get a new car sometime in the future.