Friday, February 09, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Work: *Is it just me or did this week seem to crawl by on a jet engine? I know the week was short, and is some aspect it felt extremely short, but also it seemed to drag on... Either way it's FRIDAY! *Yesterday my student was just a handful, and then today she was a dream... is there something in the water? I bet it has something to do with the fact that the kids haven't gone outside for recess in over 2 weeks! The district has a policy that if the wind chill is below 0 we have to keep the kids indoors. It wasn't so bad to start with, but Wednesday they all started catching Cabin Fever. I eventually told them to pick everything up and sit in a circle; I taught them a new game to play! They loved it and the time flew by! Then Thursday rolled around and I decided to do something a little different. I had both Kindergarten classes get together and I taught them two new songs, we then went and sang them to the preschool room and the first grade rooms. The kids loved the attention, the other classes had some entertainment, and the supervisors and myself kept out sanity! *My afternoon job has me working the same position I had last year and I'm loving it! Once again I'm the Games Coordinator, or at least that's what I call myself. I basically teach all the sites games and music, and once in awhile transitional tips. For some reason my afternoons seem to fly by! And I get to do what I love constantly!!!

Plans: *The plan is to update more often... but who knows. Life sometimes throws me curve balls I was never expecting!

Random: *I'm on a huge dark chocolate kick right now!


Blogger Smiley said...

You ruined my plans. I was so going to throw you a two month anniversary party on the 18th.

Sunday, February 11, 2007 6:59:00 PM

Blogger Smiley said...

P.S. It was only eight days.

P.P.S. They're going OUTSIDE tomorrow!

Sunday, February 11, 2007 7:02:00 PM


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