Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Misbehavior Major

Work: *Is there something in the air? The kids are just naughty. My boss had me come into work later than earlier scheduled today because the Lead's were leaving the site to have a meeting over lunch and do some work at all of the other sites. It was a bum that the Lead's went to Perkin's for their lunch meeting, it sounded really yummy at the time compared to the packed lunch I was eating with the kids. But while the Lead's were gone I got to work with some really fun staff! Kudos to Kinsey, Jodi, Amanda and Amber!! And yet, the kids were just holy terrors, throwing fits, not listening, behavior problems and constantly talking. By the time the Lead's got back I had to leave, I needed some time away from them. It's been about 3 consecutive days of naughty kids. *Not looking forward to the staff training I must attend tomorrow for my new job coming up. Ooh, the fun of watching a video on Blood Bourne Pathogens! Yippee!! It's not like I had to go through this last year or anything. I think I'm going to stock up on coffee before I leave the house.

Plans: *Rachel came over and we started packing up Becky, actually they did most of the work, but I chipped in. Becky found a place to live in town and is moving out Friday, while Amanda is moving in Saturday. It's going to be alot of moving. * Tomorrow is CSI Night (the night where friend's get together, cook and have a good time), and Becky is cooking Lemon Pepper Chicken with Rice (along the recipe that my Mom makes!) And then we'll spend our time packing things up for Becky and transporting them from here to there. * Otto's cousin is getting married on Saturday. He has a quartet gig at some state park, so when he finishes he's going to come to Winona and we'll make it in time for the reception. Should be a fun time! * I did something to my room, but in order to find o
ut what I did you must come see me! Mwa ha ha!!

Random: * I love orange soda! Lately it's been my first request, even before root beer. * Jeb and I had ice cream last night and a good talk! YAY!

This is a pic I took while out on a hike with the kids at a State Park this summer!


Blogger Smiley said...

Good thing I already banished you from the English department.

Monday, August 28, 2006 3:14:00 PM


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