Tuesday, August 01, 2006


  • Otto, Matt, Christine and I went to C-town for the weekend to catch a Cubs game. Otto and I got into town Friday night, saw some of his relatives and had dinner before crashing at Matt's Grandma's house. Saturday we all had lunch together, then headed down to Michigan Ave to have a look around. Walking along the street we came across millennium Park, the strange silver bean and the huge grassy area where they have concerts and such. Catching a nice dinner we went down to the Navy Pier for Venetian Night. Otto took me to the Build-A-Bear Warehouse and we built a bear named Violet, she wears a Cubs uniform. Sunday basically our entire day was consumed with the game, which they won! They swept the Cardinals!! All-in-all, except for the heat the weekend rocked!

Being Social:
  • Becky, Rachel, Jenny and I hit up the Cities to take a visit to IKEA and make a stop over at the Mall of America! We had a ton of fun all day!!
  • Otto had a group out at his house before the 4th of July to set off fireworks, these are some of the guys taking on a Charlie's Angels pose for the camera with sparklers.
  • Going to Platteville one weekend Otto decided to take me down to Dubuque for the afternoon, so we hung out in an air conditioned coffee house with free internet access!


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