Monday, April 24, 2006


Tonight I had to get some laundry done so I convinced Amanda to come with me to one of the local Laundromats, it's actually the one we went to earlier in the year. We had a ton of fun, so we decided to keep that tradition going! I being a backpack full of stuff like card games, paper & pens, a camera, bouncy balls, paddle ball, and gum! Tonight we spent most of our time playing Fluxx, it's a really fun card game, and if you haven't played just ask me to teach you some time - you'll have a blast!! Eventually I got tired of Fluxx and wanted to play paddle ball, it's a game where you have two paddles and a little ball, you hit it back and forth like tennis, but the paddles make a BOOM sound!! There was this little boy sitting in the window of the Laundromat staring out at us playing this game. He came outside and Amanda handed off her paddle and I played with him while Amanda stood there and had a conversation with his father. I later found out his name was Andy. When Amanda and I went in to fold laundry he hovered around us trying to get our attention in various ways. Getting into the car to go home he called out, "Thanks for playing that game with me!"

See, I meet new friends all the time. They just aren't around my age. By the way, he was 5!


Blogger Smiley said...

What means this "not around my age" bit? Oh. You meant physical age. Gotcha.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 12:18:00 PM


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