Thursday, April 20, 2006

Not Worth the Report

Work: () Today on the playground little boy J hit little boy D causing a severe nose bleed. I mean blood everywhere, from nose to toe! While the Kindergarten supervisor took boy D to the nurses office to clean him up I got stuck taking boy J to the office. Boy J had been in the office two times already today, so this made it the third. He already had a chair and everything set up in front of the principals office. I told him to have a seat and proceeded to find a judicial report. It's like a behavior report, we record and bunch of information and then send it home to be signed by a parent. I completed the "fun" paperwork and made copies, one for the teacher, one for the parent and kept the original for the principal. Just as I finished his teacher walked in. I handed her the papers and let her talk to him for abit. Two seconds later she's telling me she doesn't feel this situation is "worthy" of a judicial report! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? She them proceeds to find out what school the principal is at and starts calling to talk to her. I was absolutely stunned. This teacher just wanted to send him home, no judicial report. Obviously if this kid had been in the office two times prior today there is definitely a problem we need to address and look into; by not recording these events how is anyone supposed to track how things are going? It's hours later and I'm still fuming!! () Boy B and girl A are just too much to take. I don't even want to try listing everything that took place today.

() Went to dinner with Kerry, Traci, Nezi, and Amanda at Chula Vista. At one point I declared that Mexico hurt me... and then I ended up having to explain myself, but I forgot what I said in the first place (go figure). There was something about tomatoes as well... again, I forgot! It was a fun evening out with the girls. () Becky, Amanda and I then hung out! We DDRed it up in the living room like usual. I take that back, Amanda and I did while Becky stuck her nose in a book and made funny comments about the music, TV and us!!

() Amanda got a glimpse of Becky's graduation gift and thought it should turn out just awesome!! () I took a nap today! () Since I went over Becky's paper for her she decided to give me a gift, and there's a story behind it! I received a Barnes & Noble giftcard, but the funny part is what she wrote on the card that comes with it. When they purchased it earlier this evening while in La Crosse they wrote the card to My Savior. Amanda immediately said, "But Becky, that's Blasphemy!" And Becky responded, "We're already going to a special Hell because we talk in the theater [...]" And together they said, "But not because we molest children!" At this point the clerk took a huge step away from them. And they were pleased with his reaction. Now, some of you are confused with this, and let me explain. There is a TV series called Firefly, one of the episodes has a great quote the three of us love to spout off chance we get. "[...] You're going to a special Hell. A level of Hell reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theatre!" I think it's basically turned into an inside joke among ourselves. But feel free to find the nearest closet and take the time for alittle laugh in the secluded space with your favorite broom!

Here's a pic of the card! Click to enlarge it, then you can see the print.


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