Monday, April 10, 2006

May I Have Another?

Yesterday's weather rocked my socks! And the best part, I had the afternoon off to enjoy it!!

I took the day off to get some things done, and then spent what time I had (before a nap) down at the lake taking in the sun and working on Sudoku!!! Tons of people were out rollerblading, picnicking, walking or even taking a lunch break. I probably could've just spent the rest of the evening (if I hadn't had the banquet) out on the grass reading or drawing. Speaking of the banquet, it was for the bowling league Monday nights. I sat with my team (who took last place :( They have high handicaps, but mine is uber low), we cracked jokes and had a grand old time eating our mean and watching me polish off a pot of coffee on my own ( ;) which they have seen on a Monday night... they were waiting for me to bounce off the walls). There were door prizes, and they went around drawing out people's names... I told my team I would not win... and funny enough my name was the last one drawn! (I just started laughing and they all called me a loser, go figure). I did end up with a pretty cool prize though! In the end I left with a prize, $10.10, and a deck of cards for getting a 600 series ( I was ticked, seriously! I bowl a 600 -an average of about 200 a game, and all I get is a stinking deck of cards... ooohhh!!! Can't wait to show off my skills at the poker table! )

Today looks to be not so bad as long as the rain they forecasted over the weekend still holds off! The plan is to work all 3 jobs, head downtown to Global Health Care ( I have an interview ), then go to Bub's with my killer co-workers! Afterwards I plan on walking home (the whole 1/4 of a block) and clean my room, bring out my summer stuff, and hopefully get a chance to talk to Otto.

As just because I can, I give you an icon!


Blogger Smiley said...

What does "mean" taste like?

I'd suggest you play strip poker, but... Well, we all know how that would turn out. OTTO!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:57:00 PM


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