Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Funny story...

I got up at 8am today, why I'm not sure since I didn't have to work until 10am, but I've been trying to keep in a schedule of getting up around the same time every morning no matter the time I work. Moving along... I goof around with my computer, feed and play with my hamster, read some of my book, sometimes put music on and lounge around the apartment... (one morning last week Becky and I made pancakes!) So it was going on 9:45, I was just going to get dressed when the doorbell rang. It was the Charter Cable guy. They were supposed to turn on our cable today, and he wanted to check the signal inside. I didn't leave the apt until 10:15. He ended up having to rewire a bunch of stuff inside the apt, and then after I left he told me he would have to do a bunch of work outside. Well, by the time I got home from work tonight we had a cable and our internet is up and working!! So super excited!

I know I haven't blogged lately but life has been a wild rollercoaster ride that didn't seem to end.

Tonight after work I picked up Jeb and Becky, we headed down to the midway in Winona for Steamboat days. We went down to get some dinner from some of the vendors. Becky ended up with a Chicago style hotdog and a soda, Jeb ended up with a turkey leg and a soda, and I ended up with cheese curds! I had to help Jeb eat her turkey leg, it was enormous! Then we made a trip to Walmart to get some things before finding our way home to watch a movie, in which I had serious problems keeping my eyes open. And it was good!


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