Friday, May 08, 2009

Friday Morning

Seriously, I haven't been this tired in some time and I don't understand how it happened!

I went to bed at a decent time, but couldn't fall asleep... it was strange. I was absolutely exhausted, but for some reason I couldn't nod off... And now I can feel it in every inch of my body.

I know it's Friday, and I should be joyous that my weekend is a mere 10hrs away at this point, but instead I dread getting ready and heading off to work this morning.

I am most definitely stopping for a coffee on the way to work; I fear if I don't I won't make it much past lunch before crashing into a fantastic pile on the floor.

Time to start the mantra. "I will stay awake. I am not that tired. I will stay awake. I am not that tired... "

I think it will be more affective with the aide of a coffee in my hand! Wish me luck!


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