Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You Say It's Only Tuesday?

Work: *There were too many TMI (too much information) moments with teachers yesterday. At times I felt I was in an alternate universe, but I survived the day. *Walking into work today I saw a squirrel run across the street in a cross walk... it just seemed like an omen... for what I'm not sure, but something. *I found out this afternoon I need to come back to work tonight to interpret a meeting for teachers, parents and students. This completely messed up my schedule. I took off of Key Kids so I could prep for the meeting and try to get my tutoring in before I head back to work... Talk about a messy day.

Plans: *There is a group of us going to Iowa this weekend to visit Joanna!! YAY! *I have a ton of apples, anyone have a recipe I can use?

Random: *Today was Casey's 21st Birthday. I sang to her at work and brought her a hot chocolate (because I couldn't get a caramel steamer) and a chocolate chip muffin!! I think she really liked it! :)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The First Of Many

Work: *First week of school = STRESSFUL! Tues. - orientation[parents/kiddies meet teacher and what not], Wed. - 1/2 the class[teach the first group how to line up, use the bathroom, follow daily routine, go to lunch, rules outside, prepare to leave...], Thur. - other 1/2 of the class[repeat of Wed.], Fri. - whole class[imagine a huge train wreck... yeah, that pretty much defines the day]. I can never say I've ever been this excited about having the weekend off before! *As bad as I make it seem it really went pretty well! I love it! *I'm averaging about 11hrs straight of work each day. I go to school, work all day, then head to work at Key Kids for a few hours more. At least Key Kids is extremely flexible for me, it'll be easy to get time off when I need it!

Plans: *This up-coming weekend a group of us are heading up to the Twin Cities to attend the renaissance Festival, go figure it's going to be the Irish Weekend! ;) If you're interested in joining us let me know. *The proposed schedule for this week is: Monday-work, work, bowl, sleep. Tuesday-work, work, tutor, sleep. Wednesday-work, work, community band. Thursday-work, work, CSI night. Friday-work, [...] I may just not work in the afternoon. Either way, it looks packed to me.

Random: *I went into the bookstore today and ended up recording the names of some books on my phone because I resisted the urge to spend! yippee!! Now, if only I can find them at the library... *I heart toast! I had not idea how much it rocked until I started having to eat breakfast in the morning. *I LOVE ORANGE SODA!

Website: OKgo Check out the video entitled "Here We Go Again". I'm jealous, and now I want to try that! Who with me?!