Tonight I had to get some laundry done so I convinced Amanda to come with me to one of the local Laundromats, it's actually the one we went to earlier in the year. We had a ton of fun, so we decided to keep that tradition going! I being a backpack full of stuff like card games, paper & pens, a camera, bouncy balls, paddle ball, and gum! Tonight we spent most of our time playing Fluxx, it's a really fun card game, and if you haven't played just ask me to teach you some time - you'll have a blast!! Eventually I got tired of Fluxx and wanted to play paddle ball, it's a game where you have two paddles and a little ball, you hit it back and forth like tennis, but the paddles make a BOOM sound!! There was this little boy sitting in the window of the Laundromat staring out at us playing this game. He came outside and Amanda handed off her paddle and I played with him while Amanda stood there and had a conversation with his father. I later found out his name was Andy. When Amanda and I went in to fold laundry he hovered around us trying to get our attention in various ways. Getting into the car to go home he called out, "Thanks for playing that game with me!"
As you can tell, everytime I post photos they look like completely unorganized. I assure you, they don't look like that when I upload them and preview the post. Thus, I have decided from now on that I will post pics and text separately in hopes of creating a less confusing blog as a whole!
Work: () Today on the playground little boy J hit little boy D causing a severe nose bleed. I mean blood everywhere, from nose to toe! While the Kindergarten supervisor took boy D to the nurses office to clean him up I got stuck taking boy J to the office. Boy J had been in the office two times already today, so this made it the third. He already had a chair and everything set up in front of the principals office. I told him to have a seat and proceeded to find a judicial report. It's like a behavior report, we record and bunch of information and then send it home to be signed by a parent. I completed the "fun" paperwork and made copies, one for the teacher, one for the parent and kept the original for the principal. Just as I finished his teacher walked in. I handed her the papers and let her talk to him for abit. Two seconds later she's telling me she doesn't feel this situation is "worthy" of a judicial report! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? She them proceeds to find out what school the principal is at and starts calling to talk to her. I was absolutely stunned. This teacher just wanted to send him home, no judicial report. Obviously if this kid had been in the office two times prior today there is definitely a problem we need to address and look into; by not recording these events how is anyone supposed to track how things are going? It's hours later and I'm still fuming!! () Boy B and girl A are just too much to take. I don't even want to try listing everything that took place today.
I'm going to try a new layout. I'll start titling sections making it easier to find information. This seemed like a good idea to me, but that was when I was slamming a 20 oz Mint Mocha from Mugby! (yum Mugby!)
I didn't eat my salad, I didn't eat my steak
I had too much candy, got a tummy ache!
I need to eat good food to help me to grow
I'll obey my momma, 'cause she loves me so!
Yeah, I'll go to church! And I'll go to school!
That stuff is important, and I ain't no fool!
I don't want no pickles, I don't want no honey
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny!
I don't want to tell you a joke that is funny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny!
I don't want a tissue when my nose is runny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny!
I don't want to play on a day that is sunny
I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny!
This year my family went up to New Richmond for our Easter. It was held at a family friends home.
Tonight for CSI Night ( the one night a week where we get together to eat a homecooked meal and watch TV ) it was my turn to cook, and ( crazy as it is ) I decided to be creative with pizza. I made a Caesar Salad, chicken alfredo, bbq chicken, and s'more pizza! They were all yummy!! ( 'cept the chicken alfredo, I sort of burnt the crust alittle )
Last week Becky and I found this crazy place called Pizza Dr's in LaCrosse, WI. I'll admit, it took us awhile to actually find it, I knew of its general location. We thought it was so interesting we wanted to try it on 'exploratory surgery' night.
One of my job's is working in a local Preschool as a Sign Language Interpreter. ( I really should get into all of my job's sometime ) I was hired specifically to work with this one little girl who is deaf, but has a cochlear implant ( Basically now she can hear ). I spend most of my time teaching her sign, how to hear and how to speak ( These things are all new to her ). Sometimes it's extremely frustrating, she has a tendency to not listen or even watch me.
Yesterday's weather rocked my socks! And the best part, I had the afternoon off to enjoy it!!
Driving home Sunday night I went past a vehicle I recognized, but in passing the person in the car didn't look like who I thought it was... so I kept going. The car was out on Sarnia, just in front of East Lake Apt, where I was headed, so after making a delivery to Tami (she wanted Noodles from Rochester) I went back out the driveway where I could get another look at the car, and sure enough it was Rob, but his hair was shorter, so it didn't look like him the first time. I stopped and offered my help which ended up being a call to my Da (to see if he knew what was wrong with the car), calling my sister out of her apt to bring us a wrench & pliers, and offering to use of my AAA card (which covers me in any vehicle-
1. Grab the nearest book.
Decided to go home for the weekend, for various reasons (free laundry, return my mum's car, spend time with the 'rents).